
豐田通商的永續發展 Sustainability for Toyota Tsusho Corporation
長期以來,豐田通商集團一直秉持著「謀求與人類、社會和地球的和諧發展,打造為建設富足社會做出貢獻的創造價值型企業」的企業理念,視之為「恒久不變、永世相傳的至高信念」。透過積極參與環保型業務和培育社會貢獻型人才,集團不僅提升了企業的價值,更實現了對社會和地球的可持續發展做出的承諾。 For a long time, the Toyota Tsusho Group has adhered to the corporate philosophy of "seeking harmonious development with humanity, society, and the Earth, and creating a value-driven enterprise that contributes to the construction of a prosperous society," viewing it as a "unchanging and eternal supreme belief." Through active participation in environmentally friendly businesses and the cultivation of talents contributing to society, the group has not only enhanced its corporate value but also fulfilled its commitment to sustainable development for both society and the Earth.